Chapter 15-16





Click Here for the study guide in pdf format              Click Here for powerpoint slide notes

Click Here for the study guide in word.doc format

Click Here for the practice test

Click Here for the handout given in class.  Explains the attributional model of learned helplessness.
And a page called "Ten forms of twisted thinking".

Click Here for the handout "Diathesis-Stress Model".

Click Here for the handout  "Competence and Insanity".


Click Here for a handout  that measures your automatic thoughts in depression.  The cognitive perspective assumes that it is negative and irrational thoughts and attitudes that cause depression.

 Click Here for the Beck Depression Inventory.  It measures depression.

Click Here for chapter 1 from a brand new book on Motivational Interviewing. This therapy approach became popular in the treatment of drug/alcohol.  Assumes you can't cajole and force people to change -- that in order for changer to happen, you have to get clients to WANT to change.




Click here at the left for a very short example of the treatments given to mental patients in the long ago past.  it is called the "Calming Chair".

Click here at the left to hear a 3:40 video of Dr. Szasz speaking about how our huge list of mental diseases are not really diseases.

Click here for a very short piece showing David Rosenhan talking about his pseudopatients being admitted into mental hospitals.

Click here to be streamed a 12 min video about OCD and it's treatment.

Click here to see a 48 Hour episode about a woman who seeks help for panic disorder.  At the end of the clip is a segment on a woman whose  panic is reduced by her service dog.

This video shows how panic disorder is treated by helping sufferers face their symptoms of panic.


Click here to see a short video (7:00) video that describes a man with panic disorder with agoraphobia.  Speaks to how his world shrank as a result of his panic disorder.  Shows how he was exposed to panic symptoms as a form of treatment.

Click here to see Albert Ellis, cognitive therapist who gave us Rational Emotive Therapy.  He gives an example of his therapy which seeks to uncover irrational thoughts. It is only 3 minutes long.  This is very old footage from the 1960's I'm guessing.

Click here to be streamed 12 minutes from an HBO special on suicide. Shows how 911 people are trained to handle suicide calls.  Has some scenes that might be disturbing.  If you have been affected by a suicide, this video might bring out strong emotions.

Click here to be streamed a 50 min documentary from NOVA called "The New Asylums".  It documents how Ohio has taken the lead in recognizing that they will have to be responsible for treating schizophrenic prisoners. After we've cut the number of  big mental institutions (deinstitutionalization) we put many schzophrenics back into the community and many have ended up homeless on the streets and/or in prisons.  This video gives you good insight into the difficulty of housing these seriously mentally ill inmates.