Chapter 4







Click Here for the study guide in pdf format


Click Here for the study guide as a word.doc


Click Here for the handout "Dreams"


Click Here for the required article: The Drinking Dilemma


Click Here for the required article: The "Loss of Control" myth


Click Here for the required article:  Behavioral Perspectives on the

Neuroscience of drug addiction.


Click Here for the practice test for chapter 4.


Click Here for powerpoint slide notes for alcohol part


Click Here for powerpoint slide notes for sleep part







Material Below is Optional

Click the pic for an article titled "How to win the war on drugs".  It informs us of a harm reduction approach in Portugal that has been very effective.

Click Here for Chapter 1 of a great book on the social history of alcohol in America during the colonial times.

Click Here for Chapter 2

Click here for a streaming video of Father Martin's Chalk Talk.  He was a catholic priest who gave talks about Alcoholism starting in 1972 in a lecture to navy personnel.  His talks became known as "Chalk Talks". He was a believer  in Alcoholics Annonymous and has an interesting wit.  His talks were widely given to alcoholics and drug addicts in treatment centers.

Click the pic to see the Blood Alcohol Concentration Tables.

There are tables for males and females. Find the intersection of the number of drinks consumed by "within how much time" and you will see your estimated BAC.


Click the pic at the left for a segment from "48 hours" on the effects of drinking.

Click the pic for a short piece from the movie that was designed to scare America.

Click Here for an article on how various drugs/alcohol affect sexual functioning. File size is 7 MB. Be patient.


Click Here for a song that was popular just before prohibition was to make alcohol illegal in the US.


Click Here for a song called "Take a Whiff on Me" by Huddie Ledbetter (1930)


Click Here for a song called "US Custom Coast Guard Dope Dog" by George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars.


click here for a good chapter on "alcohol effects" *(what alcohol does in the body)


Click Here for a reading the describes the 3 major treatment approaches for alcohol stuff.


Click Here for an article from Trevisan on the "complications of alcohol withdrawal".


Click Here for an article from Saitz  "introduction to withdrawal".


Click Here for the first 3 chapters from a book by the Sobels on "problem drinking".


Click Here for an article from Walters "why we need to find an alternative to AA"


Click Here for an article from Chiauzzi on "TabooTopics in Alcohol Treatment".

Click here for a "teacher's guide" to understanding alcohol.  It came from a government web site (National Institutes of Health (NIH).  It is good and pretty thorough. I reoommend it.


Click here for an article on sleepwalking and violence  Click Here for another


Click Here for a NY Times article on sleep deprevation and kids in school


Click here for an article that asks "Do All Animals Sleep"


Click Here for an article from "The Atlantic" on the "Irrationality of Alchohlic's Anonymous"


Click Here for an article from Scientific American Jan 2020 on how deep sleep can help you solve problems if you think about them during your sleep,.

Click the pic at the right for a nifty piece from

Penn and Teller (showtime) on AA